Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Dental Facebook Marketing

6 Ways To Help You Boost Your Dental Facebook Marketing

Not everyone understands the importance of boosting their dental Facebook marketing ad campaign. Many dental practitioners may think that their current list of patients is enough to sustain their practice. However, the advancement of social media impact is in a fast-paced manner, and we all need to keep up.

Many dentists have already created websites and Facebook pages for their dental clinics. Sadly, not all of them regularly manage their Facebook marketing ad campaign.

Is Facebook Marketing Important for Your Dental Practice?

Dentists are in a different position compared to other entrepreneurs. Business owners in industries like clothing lines, beauty products, food and beverages, software companies, etc., need more convincing power to drive people into buying their products. In the case of dental practitioners, patients come to their doors to have their oral needs met. It’s even a part of our insurance policies. Everyone goes to the dentist— it’s only a matter of when.

However, their competition is also growing. Dental clinics are sprouting from one corner to another. Every year, there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of dentists who graduate from universities. Either they put up their clinics, work with hospitals, or work with other organizations that offer medical health care.

With that being said, it is becoming imperative for practitioners to reinforce their dental Facebook marketing ad campaign.
Goals for Building Your Dental Facebook Marketing Ad Campaign
Before you proceed with your Facebook marketing ad campaign, you need to establish your goals first.

Here is a shortlist of common goals for dental Facebook marketing.
• Keep your existing patients
• Convert new audience to be your future clients
• Provide informative content about the significance of oral hygiene
• Avoid driving away clients with meaningless content
• Endorse unique, high-quality services to clients
• Share experiences with your audience
• Feature the testimonials of patients
• Invite clients into a dental marketing sales funnel



6 Ways To Help You Boost Your Dental Facebook Marketing

1. Identify Your Target
Now that you’ve established your goals for building your dental Facebook page marketing, the first step in boosting your ad campaign is to identify your target.

How will you target your audience and convert them to be your clients? Here are a few points on how you can affiliate your Facebook ad posts with your target.

• Resonate with the audience similar to your current patients- your current patients who are on Facebook can draw out other possible clients who belong in the same group of population. You will not target your existing patients. Instead, you will target the lookalike audience that Facebook can generate.
• Promote new services to existing patients to create an action that will drive other possible clients.
• Offer upgrades and/or discounts, especially on off days. You can find out who among your Facebook audience will more likely take advantage.

2. Create Engaging Videos
Facebook likes to show videos to its audience. If you will create posts with engaging videos, Facebook is more inclined to show it to more people.

As a dental practitioner, you can use the following as a subject for your videos:
• Short clips of your patients’ testimonials
• Documented events like dental missions or community services
• Slideshows on your highlighted patient cases on different specializations
• Tips on basic oral hygiene
• Random recording that features your dental clinic and your life as a dentist

3. Post Images with Captions
Posts with images catch people’s attention more effectively than bare posts with words. However, images are also best accompanied by message captions for a more informative Facebook ad campaign.

The following are a few ideas that you can use for your image and caption Facebook marketing:
• Announcements on new products or services
• Shoutouts to patients who received special services from your promotions
• Sharing “memories” of success stories on Facebook
• Display your team of dental practitioners, dental hygienists, dental hygienists, etc.

4. Improve the Content of Your Post
Your images, videos, and messages must be improved regularly. Videos must have high-resolution quality, images must be authentic and well-lit, and message content must be informative and helpful.

To know if you are creating the best content for your dental Facebook marketing, you can run a test on Facebook’s Ad Manager. Ads that undergo split-testing will help you save money, time, and effort. You get better results without having to waste your resources.

Split-testing is not as difficult as you think it is. Here are the simple steps of split-testing on Facebook Ad Manager:
• Create a Facebook ad post (video, image & copy, or copy)
• Duplicate the post by replacing the content
• Submit for split-testing

5. Focus on Community-oriented Posts
Community-oriented posts can drive more traffic to your Facebook page even to your website. The community wants to feel that they belong in a group. All you need to create in your dental Facebook marketing ad campaign are welcoming and relate-able posts.

When your target audience begins to feel that they can relate to your content, products, and services, your campaign is working. The moment they start to feel as if they don’t belong inside your circle, they will steer away from your Facebook page content.

Here are some examples of community-oriented posts:
• Invitations to events involving your dental products and services
• Online contests for a fun and engaging Facebook community
• Giveaways and freebies during anniversaries or local festivities

6. Aim for Awareness
Always aim for the awareness of your audience. Aim awareness about your Facebook presence, and the significance of your presence on their Facebook walls. Through that awareness, you can build relationships with your audience. The level of your engagement must come from two perspectives: informational and personal.

Your personality is always a part of your dental Facebook marketing campaign. Your audience needs to know the subject of their information. The information that you share with your audience through your content is just as valuable as your engagement. Significant and meaningful content is not easy to achieve without thoughtful planning. You have to be influential in terms of your field of work while showing your individuality, just like a regular Facebook user.

Don’t forget to visit our website for more info and queries regarding our products and services. Ask us today!


The post Dental Facebook Marketing appeared first on Blaze New Media.


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