Monday, September 9, 2019

Dental Marketing Ideas

Dental Marketing Ideas


The success of your dental marketing campaign will depend on the strategies that you will apply on your website and social media pages. You have to look for the best methods in advertising your dental practice while also maintaining a good online reputation.     

With the growing number of dental practitioners graduating every year, you have to pump up your dental practice to keep up with the competition. You have to devise more creative approaches in advertising you’re your name through online dental marketing.

Allow us to help you in that area. We narrowed down the dental marketing ideas that will help you boost your practice. 

Creative Dental Marketing Strategies

Drive higher traffic to your dental clinic by taking advantage of the most effective and creative ideas for your marketing campaign.

Improve your practice by using the following dental marketing strategies:

  1. Endorse your online presence through local events

Make your name known by participating or sponsoring local events. This a great avenue for advertising your dental practice.

Aside from the fact that you can directly attract prospected clients through these local events, you can expand your target by inviting them on your social media and website pages. Make a public broadcast on your online dental marketing to start a noise in your campaign.

  1. Create a Google My Business Page

Google’s My Business Page is one of the most essential pages where you can register an online business page. It is supported by Google Maps, which allows patients and other audiences to see the actual location of your business.

You can immediately attract new clients by optimizing your dental marketing through Google’s applications. Your business name, contact information, and business details reflect on your business page. That’s enough data invite a wide range of audiences to visit your clinic and avail of your products and services.

  1. Target local audience through Facebook and Google ads 

Your first target in your dental marketing campaign must be the local audience. Local audiences are your first line of defense in cranking up your dental practice. Various Facebook and Google ads will help you aim for higher traffic on your social media and website pages.

You can utilize methods such as:

o Ads on dental product reviews

Create blog posts on your website about reviews on the dental products you are using for your treatment processes. These can be personal or third-party reviews. As long they’re reliable, feel free to resort to other resources as well. However, fresh and unique content is more preferable.

Link these blog posts on your Facebook Ads to show your audience the quality of the products you are using for your dental practice. High-quality dental products can be a subject for your dental marketing strategy.

o Shout-outs and announcement ads

Create ads that contain shout-outs to your patients to show an interactive social media relationship. Announcements can also be posted as social media ads for a wider target.

Recent ads from your social media pages can be linked to appear on your website. Your active audience can see these ads through your main web page as well.

o Click-to-call ads on Google and social media pages

Appointments and queries are often made through phone calls. Call buttons provide the fastest way for your patients and visitors to call your local dental business right away.

If you utilize click-to-call ads on Google and social media pages as a part of your dental marketing strategy, it could be one of your wisest advertising investments.

o Facebook Messaging Ad Type

Have you ever received a random message from local businesses through Facebook Messaging? That’s an example of Facebook Messaging Ad Type. If you haven’t, then it’s about time for you to know all about it.

Facebook Ads sometimes appear in your inbox or as a private chat. If you send a message to a local business registered on Facebook, they usually create an ad that automatically appears as soon as you open your chatbox. Some of them give you an overview of their business, while some invite you to rate their products and services through the messenger app.

  1.  Include CTAs

Call-to-actions (CTAs) invite online visitors to make further actions while staying on your website or your social media pages.

Here are some advantages of powerful call-to-action.

o CTAs increase click-through rates within the website. This has an effect on your SEO performance for a more visible presence in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

o Higher click-through rates through CTAs help in boosting your sales conversion through online platforms. Driving clients to your doorstep can only be one click away.

o CTAs make your audience feel engaged with you, whether on social media or on your web page. It can either lead them to other resourceful sites or to other blog posts about your dental practice.

  1. Promote the website through social media and vice versa

Put the word out by connecting with your audience through social media posts. Create shareable posts that can start an online engagement with clients and audiences. Posts that are valuable and relate-able can inspire others to make your content be known by other people in their circle.

Social media posts can be used to deliver traffic to your website by linking them together. Through this, you are also advertising other sources of information that comprises your dental practice.

Here are some examples of social media post that can be shared through multiple platforms:

o Professional tips on how to maintain healthy oral hygiene

o Steps to take on having a more beautiful smile with dental treatments and procedures

o How to achieve their dream dental practice, for the young enthusiasts in the field of Dentistry

  1. Mobile-ready social media and website pages

Social media and website pages content must be mobile-ready for ease of access for those who browse mostly using their mobile devices, which is almost everybody.

When looking for products and services online, most of us turn to our cellphones or tablets. Invest in developing a responsive website design that will allow visitors to view your web pages on any device. Laptops, computers, tablets, or smartphones can view responsive web pages because it adjusts according to the screen size of the device.

Here are other advantages of having a responsive web design for your dental marketing strategy. 

o Responsive websites load faster than other web designs, which prevents the possibility of losing your prospects. Visitors who have to wait for more than five seconds in viewing the web page tend to drive away and transfer to other websites.  

o People who are on the road don’t have to open their laptops just to view your product and services info on your website. Thus, making them stay on your page to browse through all your dental services.

  1. Widen your dental marketing through email newsletters

Email newsletters are being utilized by a lot of digital marketing companies for all kinds of clients. Your dental practice can make use of this strategy, as well.

Newsletters can widen your influence by targeting your existing patients and website visitors. Keep your audience updated on your most recent accomplishments. Also, share your latest treatments and services in your dental practice. These updates sent through emails can serve as reminders about the things they heard about your dental practice. Either from visiting your clinic, your social media accounts, or your website.

Email marketing does not necessarily involve only the usual newsletters, announcements, or invitations to subscriptions. In your case, you can send our appointment notifications through emails. As a dental practitioner, appointments can be demanding, especially with the expansion of your patient’s list. You can even create welcoming emails for your new patients and get them started on your personal email relationship.

Patients find it more convenient if they can communicate with you immediately through email whenever concerns about dental needs arise. Take advantage of this two-way channel to promote other products and services that can motivate them to improve their oral health.

  1. Include business location and contact info on meta-descriptions

The best way to create a direct connection with patients and future clients is by providing them easier access in finding your contact information and your dental clinic’s location. This new creative idea is certainly something that you should try.

Social media pages have sections where all business info is placed for your audience’s preference. Website pages have meta-descriptions upon appearing on the Search Engine Results Pages. The primary purpose of meta-descriptions is to give readers an idea of the website content. However, you can make an exception for your dental marketing strategy. 

Put your business location and contact information on the meta-descriptions of your web pages for your audience to see when you’re your website appears on the SERP. This open information gives your audience a faster method to communicate with you for inquiries and appointments. Having all the needed info on your meta-description might mean that they’re not going to click on the link to open your web page. However, it’s also a good strategy for converting sales leads without the hustle and bustle in the digital world.

  1. Utilize other mediums as marketing resources

Good headlines and data information are two of the most essential parts of the website and social media content. However, words alone are not as powerful as images, videos, icons, and symbols in catching the targeted online audience’s attention.

o Images

Before-and-after images of patient cases provide audiences a more extensive knowledge of the quality of output you can produce. You can also share behind the scene images of you and your dental team. It doesn’t always have to be about dental procedures. Share a little bit about your day as a dentist and show your personality behind being a dental practitioner. Show your audience who you are as a person.

o Videos

Show off you’re your skills by posting short videos of treatment sessions. This is a reliable medium that can give your audience the information they need to know regarding your dental treatment processes. You can also create short videos that feature the latest dental materials that you are using in treating your patients. You can include sharing about the specialization courses you have completed to further your dental practice.

These resources are vital to the success of your dental marketing campaign. Invest time and energy in taking significant documentary of your most difficult cases, especially when it’s your specialty. Use these moments to lift up your name and take the opportunity to advertise the quality of your work.

  1. Entice patients to give out positive online reviews

Part of building doctor-patient rapport is through verbal communication before and after treatment sessions. You share plans on how to proceed with the case of the patient. Sometimes, these conversations lead to the acknowledgment of milestones achieved within your appointments. Take these acknowledgments as leads to a positive online review.

Positive online reviews drive people to your pages. Be aware of patients who verbally acclaim their personal experiences with you and your dental services. They could be subjects to a series of positive online reviews on your website and other social media pages. Be quick on enticing them to check out your online presence. Show them your success in establishing an influence toward your online audience, and how they can also be a part of that success.

Prepare review extensions and comment sections for your next patient feedback!

  1. Recycle effective marketing strategies

Don’t hesitate to reuse old dental marketing strategies that generated conversions for your practice. This can help you retain existing patients, and pull in other prospects with similar needs as your previous targeted clients.

However, you must also lookout for new marketing strategies that might counter the old ones. If you are planning to reuse a marketing campaign, have it subjected to rechecking. Blaze New Media marketing strategy must adhere to the latest online ad campaigns that are being acknowledged by Google and Facebook—the two commonly used digital marketing avenues.

The post Dental Marketing Ideas appeared first on Blaze New Media.


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